Our Teams learn these skill sets observed by ADI (Assistance Dogs International) and IAADP (International Association of Assistance Dog Partners). PAT training hours are set at 120; our group sets a minimum of 250+ journalized training hours.
1) No Corrective Collars or Controlling Training Aids
2) LEASH TENSION – No pulling (unless needed for Mobility); Leash Control
3) Inappropriate SD Conduct:
No growling or excessive barking
No nipping or biting
No showing or baring teeth
No lunging at dogs or people
Can not be out of handler’s control
No inappropriate elimination (no marking!)
4) Working Position established – Task or SD Job – Must be comfortable & consistent
5) Public Transportation
6) Parking Lot Behavior
7) Controlled entry into building
8) Navigate stores: interacting with public/ control of dog.
No sniffing merchandise
No licking merchandise
Disregard Food
Work with a cart - FOUR ON THE FLOOR
9) Working with Distractions (Dogs must develop “Shock Absorbers” for the unknown
10) Obedience
Sit/Stay Down/Stay Recall COME
LEAVE IT Take it
Drop Leash SETTLE
IGNORE petting or respond positively (can be touched but not over eager)
11) Restaurant Protocol
Shake it off OUTSIDE ONLY
NO FOOD in public
12) Elevator
13) Stairs
14) Working around other dogs
15) BATHROOMS – protocol (not under other’s stalls, standing & waiting)
PUBLIC ACCESS- Use Your Common Sense
The Utilization of a SERVICE DOG does not entitle you nor give you the right to be obnoxious, demanding, oblivious of common courtesy or permission to break the rules. We are called to be "AMBASSADORS" of Goodwill; most of the general population do not know the guidleines regarding SERVICE DOGs. You must be able to present yourself in a manner that doesn't compromise The Mission for other Dog Teams.
Working in a Crowd or amongst several strangers.
Following through with Obedience and Good Manners in the middle of distractions, loud noises, people and other dogs.
Service Dogs must stay on TASK despite crowds, Live Music and other distractions.
POLITICS: Representing the Service Dog Community to local officials is key to establishing support and public acceptance of our Mission.
If you are utilizing or training with a LEGITIMATE SERVICE DOG, you should be able to clearly identify the Specific TASKS your dog performs. Every Handler's Needs are different; most of our dogs are intuitive to these needs. Learn to TRUST YOUR DOG; their senses are WAY more keen than ours. Be Aware if your dog is really "ON" you; don't over correct him. He may be picking up on your stress or physical condition before YOU know what's going on.
Scout wears a Medical Kit for his handler when out in public. At home he retrieves it when he Alerts to his handler's condition.
The BLOCK can be done in a SIT or STAND position. The dog literally blocks the handler from other people, creating a buffer or "safe space".
The COVER can also be done in a SIT or STAND position. The dog is facing in the opposite direction, in order to "WATCH". This is very effective in incidents of Hyper-Vigilance,
allowing a handler to be able to let their guard down a little
out in the public.
(Deep Pressure Therapy)
Most of our Service Dogs are totally tuned in and "Tracking" with us, sensing our tension, BP, sugar status, etc. DPT uses the weight and pressing in of the dog to lower blood pressure and sooth stress, anxiety or tension. Some direct pressure in specific areas actually relieves pain.
Part of our success is seeing every environment we meet up at is a Training Platform. Here, at Lowes' Garden Center, we have 4 teams (Robert/Phoebe, Daniel/Artemus, Christy/Scout and Sarah/Schug) all doing SIT or DOWN/STAYS with Mongo at the helm. Notice we have the dogs facing opposite directions for the safety of it and to avoid eye-contact (which sometimes stirs the critters up!).